You can limit workers access to certain locations within your company from the 'access' tab in their profile or disable them from all location(s) 

1. Go to 'Access' tab under worker profile details 

2. Select 'Disable all' link to disable worker from 'all locations' within your company OR alternatively, you can also select the three dots (…) under the 'more' column and select 'Disable all locations'

3. Select 'Edit' button and select either:

  • Disable from all location(s)
  • Disable from 'select locations' you want to exclude workers from. 
  • You will able to change worker's access setting from 'Locations tab' so their access can be modified to either:
    • All locations within the state (i.e worker  can have access to all locations within VIC), OR
    • Custom locations (i.e worker will only have access to few locations), OR
    • Primary location only i.e. worker will only have access to their primary location)
  • You can also change worker's access setting via bulk upload - find out more here


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