You can upload multiple new workers at the same time using bulk upload or edit multiple workers at the same time.

Add multiple workers:

  • Select 'Bulk upload' tab in the add worker window and you can download a bulk upload template to enter the details of the workers you want to upload at the same time.
  • Bulk upload template fields defined as below. 
  • Drag and drop the file or select 'browse' to upload the bulk upload template you completed and press 'Upload ' button

Edit Multiple workers

  • Select 'Bulk upload' tab in the add worker window and you can download a bulk upload template to enter the details of the workers you want to edit at the same time.
  • copy and paste the workers you would like to edit/update from the People Report to the bulk upload template. 
  • Any update will overwrite all fields except email, first name and last name.
  • Drag and drop the file or select 'browse' to upload the bulk upload template you completed and press 'Upload ' button

Bulk Upload template 'cheat sheet' 

**  Email, First Name and Last Name 

 - These 3 fields are not editable when you are using bulk upload for edit. 

 - When adding an existing Emprevo worker to a new company, 3 fields should be exactly the same

1. Email

 - Should be unique for a new worker setup

 - For an existing Emprevo worker, use the same email as per existing login to merge all companies that the worker is associated to.

2. First Name and Last Name

 - For an existing Emprevo worker, should match exactly as existing first name and existing last name. 

3. Mobile Number (i.e 0400 000 000 ) 

4. Country Code - AU or NZ

5. State/Region

 - AU state shorthand ie. NSW, VIC

 - NZ Regions

6. Primary location - is the primary location in which the worker belongs to. 

7. Primary Role - is the worker's main role

8. Other Roles

 - All other roles in the company that the worker is qualified for

 - can be more than 1. ";" delimited 

9. Employment Type - Worker can only have 1 employment type. Choose one of the following:

 - Casual

 - Contract

- Permanent part time

 - Full time with shifts - for your permanent workers who would still like to be offered available shifts as addition to their assigned shifts

 - Full time no shifts -  for your full time workers who do not wish to be receiving shifts on Emprevo but would still like to be receiving news announcements.

 - Full time assigned - for your permanent workers who can only be assigned shifts to and not offered any available shifts.  They will never receive any available shifts notifications. Only be notified when there are shifts assigned to them.

 - Agency - allows multiple overlapping shifts to be assigned for workers from single agency. 

10. Visa Restriction - serves as an indicator to identify workers with work hour limits. 

 - Marking this column as 'Not Set' would mean there are no work hour limits and workers can accept as many shifts as advertised. 

 - If you put 'Yes' this will mandate the 'Work Limit Hours' and 'Work Limit Period' to be set i.e. 40 hours fortnightly. 

 - You may still mark worker's 'Visa Restriction' with 'No' and enter their 'Work Limit Hours' and 'Work Limit Period' which will restrict number of shifts can be accepted depending on their work hour limit / period. 

 - Visa Restriction and Work Limit are a non-mandatory fields and can be setup later if necessary.

11. Work Limit Hours - the number of hours your workers is allowed to pick up shifts on Emprevo. TIPS: subtract the number of permanent shift hours from the total work hours allowance of the worker to mitigate overtime.


12. Work Limit Period - Weekly or Fortnightly

13. Person ID - Worker ID from your roster/payroll system you can use as reference.

14. Location Access - There are 3 type of access setting that can be setup

 - All state locations - workers will have access and be allowed to accept shifts from all locations within a state 

 - Custom locations - workers will only have access and be allowed to accept shifts from those few locations only

- Primary location only - workers will only have access and be allowed to accept shifts from their primary location only.

15. Locations (Custom Only) 

 - When custom location is selected in previous column (location access), enter the list of locations that workers can have access to (must be more than 1 location), ";" delimited.

16. Restricted from Location(s) - a list  of locations that workers are restrcited from, ";" delimited.


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