You can add a single worker to your company / facility(s) or use bulk upload functionality to add multiple workers at the same time

1. Add a single worker

  • Select the + button on the top right corner on People page. 
  • Under 'Single setup' enter the personal details of the worker (email, name, mobile number) - please note that the email address and mobile number you entered will be used as part of activation process for worker to receive their activation email/sms with the instruction to activate their account.
  • Under 'Employment' section, enter the state/primary location of where the worker work as well as their primary role. You can also nominate their secondary role as optional. This means that they will be receiving shifts for both primary and secondary role that they've been assigned to. You can edit this under their profile if required. 
  • *New feature* - we have recently upgraded the Access feature so Admin & Manager+ can manage worker access easier.  As part of the upgrade, all new workers will need their access to be set. You will see 'Access setting' with 3 options : 
    • All locations within the state (i.e worker  can have access to all locations within VIC)
    • Custom locations (i.e worker will only have access to few locations)
    • Primary location only i.e. worker will only have access to their primary location)
    • Please note that you can still temporarily restrict workers using the existing functionality under 'Access' tab.  To limit worker's access or to disable a worker, find out more here

2. Add multiple workers at the same time

  • Select 'Bulk upload' tab in the add worker window and you can download a bulk upload template to enter the details of the workers you want to upload at the same time.
  • Drag and drop the file or select 'browse' to upload the bulk upload template you completed and press 'Upload ' button
  • You will get an email confirmation once the file is uploaded successfully. On the people's page you will see the list of workers you just uploaded with their account status 'pending'. To resend activation to a specific worker, click the (...) and press 'resend activation'
  • You will also get an email notification if there's any issue with your bulk upload file. If you need any assistance on this please feel free to contact us.

3. To edit workers, select the worker you want to edit, use the 'Edit' button under 'Personal ' or 'Work' tab to amend the workers details.

More details on bulk upload here


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