Adding a new shift

To add a new shift, you can hover over a particular day on the calendar to display the add shift button. Or click on the + sign at the top right corner of your calendar. 


Complete the shift details, including:


  • Job role
  • Quantity (selecting more than one will create multiple shifts)
  • Time and date
  • Location
  • Area (if relevant for that location)
  • Notes which workers will see when looking at the shift


To ensure only the right people receive the shift, you can publish to:


  • All of your eligible workers (company-wide or specific to location only). All relevant and available staff will be notified. You can also filter by employment type (e.g. casual).
  • shortlist of workers that you've created (for more about shortlists see here).
  • Specific staff who fit the shift requirements.
  • For companies using Agency Bank, your external agencies. For more info, see here.


When a worker accepts a shift, both you and the worker will see the shift pill turn green. If your notification setting is on, you will also receive a shift confirmation email notification for your reference. 


Want to assign a specific worker a shift? Check out assigning a shift.


Publishing multiple shifts

To publish multiple identical shifts on one day, simply change the Quantity in the Add shift dialogue.

To duplicate a shift over multiple days, under Days you can select multiple days which the shift will be created for by clicking the calendar icon.



Publishing recurring shifts

You can also publish or assign recurring shifts for multiple days up to 6 months in advance. 


  • In the add shift dialogue, next to Add by select Week or Fortnight
  • In the day picker, select which day or days the shifts apply to.
  • Under Repeat, select Until end date.
  • Use the date picker to choose when the recurring shifts should finish.



If you need to create many recurring shifts, you may wish to use our Bulk upload feature – see here.


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