If your company has upgraded to Emprevo Plus, you can assign shifts to multiple workers at the same time via bulk upload.


  • Download our bulk upload shift template from the bulk upload tab.
  • Make sure that you fill in all of the mandatory fields below. If any of these fields are left blank or filled out incorrectly, you’ll receive an email asking you to fix these errors.
    • Role
    • Assign to (Email address)
    • Start Date
    • Start time /End time
    • Location
    • Repeat - if you don’t want a recurring shift, then put 'No repeat'
  • You can only assign one worker per row.
  • When you're done, select Browse or drop the file into the box as shown below.



  • You’ll receive a confirmation email once the upload is complete. 
  • As bulk upload assigns shifts, rather than publishing them to be picked up, the shifts are automatically accepted by workers and will appear automatically in their calendar. 
  • If the workers are not eligible or available for the shifts you assigned to them, those shifts will not be uploaded. You will receive an email informing you of the shifts that haven't been successfully uploaded. 


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