There are two ways to disable / reactivate Managers in your company. 

Disable Managers

1. Under People menu, select 'Managers' in sub menu and click the 3 dots'...'  to bring up a pop up window to Disable. 

2. Bring up the RHS (right hand side) panel by clicking the name of the Manager you wish to disable. Then select 'disable' option next to 'Active' button. 

Reactivate Manager

1. Under People menu, select 'Managers' in sub menu and click the 3 dots'...'  to bring up a pop up window to reactivate. 

2. Bring up the RHS (right hand side) panel by clicking the name of the Manager you wish to reactivate. Then select 'reactivate' option next to 'Disabled' button. 


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