You have the option to add individual worker from People’s page. 

  • Select the + button on the top right corner on People page. 
  • Under 'Single setup' enter the personal details of the worker (email, name, mobile number) - please note that the email address and mobile number you entered will be used as part of activation process for worker to receive their activation email/sms with the instruction to activate their account.
  • Under 'Employment' section, enter the state/primary location of where the worker work as well as their primary role. You can also nominate their secondary role as optional. This means that they will be receiving shifts for both primary and secondary role that they've been assigned to. You can edit this under their profile if required. 
  • Workers will be receiving both email and sms notification to activate their account. As part of their activation process, they will be prompted automatically to download Mobile Native app (if their mobile device is compatible)
  • Activation links are valid for 14 days. When required, you can also resend the activation notification to a specific worker so that they will be receiving a new link to activate their account.


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