If your company is on Emprevo Plus, you’ll see News in the main navigation menu. 

As a manager you can send news announcements to everyone in the company (including other managers, admins and workers).


Sending a news announcement

  • Click Compose News in either the Latest or Manage tabs, or alternatively click the + at the top right.
  • Enter the heading and contents of the announcement (plain text only). You cannot include attachments, pictures or videos.
  • Under Send to, select who to send the announcement to. Managers and admins will be included if sending via location.
  • Click Send.


Recipients will be notified via email or push notification (if using the mobile app) if their notification setting is on, so that they can open and read the announcement. News announcements are one-way so recipients can’t reply to the news.


Announcements cannot be deleted. However, old news announcements are archived after 90 days.


Managing news announcements

In the Manage tab you can see news announcements that you have sent and other announcements related to your location sent by other managers.


To see how many people have read the news, click on the news announcement to open the right panel and under Recipients you can see a breakdown of read versus unread.


If you want to re-send the news to those who haven't read it yet, open the announcement in the right panel and click Resend to all unread.


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