There could be few reasons you are not receiving any new shift notifications.


1.  Check your Notification Settings to make sure you have your notifications turned on.


  • On your mobile app, select Preferences at the bottom-right of your screen and tap Notification Settings. You can check to see if you have turned on push notifications or email notifications.
  • On the web, go to the Preferences menu and under Notification Settings, check whether the slider next to Notifications is turned on and whether you have selected to receive notifications on the app, by email, or both.



2.  Check you haven’t set your availability as ‘unavailable’ for the day(s) or time period that you would like to receive shifts. If you are partially available for a particular day, you’ll only receive notifications for shifts that fit your availability.  For example, if you are only set to available on Sunday from 12pm onwards, you won't receive any notifications for 10am-3pm shifts.


3.  There are no available shifts which you are eligible for.


4.  You have work limit applied to your profile by your Manager and you have reached your weekly or fortnightly work hour limit therefore are not eligible for any extra shifts. 

5.  Are you logged in to Emprevo? Make sure that you are logged in to Emprevo Mobile App to receive push notifications.  

To download our mobile app, please click here

If you have trouble logging in to your Mobile App, please read here


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