You can add a shift manager to your company and assign the facility(s)  they manage. 

  • Go to People page and under 'Shift Manager' heading, select the + button on the top right
  • Enter the personal details of the Shift Manager (email, name, mobile number) - please note that the email address and mobile number you entered will be used as part of activation process for the Shift Manager to receive their activation email/sms with the instruction to activate their account.
  • Assign location(s) for the Shift Manager to manage. You can assign multiple location(s) for that Shift Manager to manage. 

Add multiple Shift Managers at the same time

  • Select 'Bulk upload' tab in the add Shift Manger window and you can download a bulk upload template to enter the details of the Shift Manager you want to upload at the same time.
  • Drag and drop the file or select 'browse' to upload the bulk upload template you completed and press 'Upload ' button
  • You will get an email confirmation once the file is uploaded successfully. On the people's page you will see the list of workers you just uploaded with their account status 'pending'. To resend activation to a Shift Manager, click the (...) and press 'resend activation'
  • You will also get an email notification if there's any issue with your bulk upload file. If you need any assistance on this please feel free to contact us.

You can edit any of the details you entered by selecting the 'Edit' button under 'Personal Details' and Work Details'. 

To disable a Shift Manager, click the (...) under 'more' column and select 'Disable'


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