To add a new worker: 


  • Select the + button on the top right corner on People page. 
  • Under Personal Details, enter the personal details of the worker (email, name, mobile number). Note that the email address and mobile number you enter will be used for the activation process for the worker’s account.
  • Under Company Details enter the state/primary location where the worker will work and their primary role. You can also optionally nominate other roles which the worker will receive shifts for. 
  • If necessary, complete the visa restriction, work limit period and access settings (see below).
  • Click Add worker.


Adding a work limit period

You can set a weekly or fortnightly work hour limit for each worker so that they do not work too many hours in each week or fortnight. After reaching the work hour limit, the worker won't be notified of any further published shifts for that work period and won’t be able to accept any more shifts. Adding a work hour limit is mandatory if you select Yes under Visa restriction.


To set a work hour limit, your company admin must have set a start date in your company’s settings. Check with your company admin if you're unsure.


Managing access

To allow for flexible access control as part of the lockdown requirements, you can set access settings for each new worker: 

  • All locations within the state.
  • Custom locations – i.e. the worker will only have access to the locations which you have selected.
  • Primary location only – i.e. the worker will only have access to their primary location.



Activating accounts

Workers will receive both email and SMS notifications to activate their account. As part of their activation process, they will be prompted to download the Emprevo mobile app if their mobile device is compatible.


Activation links are valid for 14 days. When required, you can also resend the activation notification to a specific worker by clicking the three dots at the end of the row on the People page and selecting Resend activation.


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